Proxy :: Barthilas (US)
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[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé}

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[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Empty [Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé}

Post  Sùrgé1 Fri Jan 14, 2011 11:40 am

Player Information
Character Name: Sùrgé
Server: Barthilas
Current Guild: T S I I X
Armory Link:
Talent Spec: Survival
Explanation of your spec, glyphs, gems, reforging and enchants: (We want to know how well you know your theorycrafting, explain to us like we don't know anything about your class/spec.) 1/9/31 The simple reason why I have chosen this spec is because it is the spec that suits me the best as I like to try out each spec to find out which one fits be best ( as you may notice in armory it says my main spec is MM but this is only because of my testing of each spec. I’m also up to respecing if there is a better suited spec out there. I also have a free talent tree available). For my Glyphs I did almost the same thing as my spec instead I researched which ones would be best and why and then I changed them to what ones suit me best (Current Glyphs: {Prime} Glyph of Kill shot, Glyph of Explosive shot and Glyph of Serpent Sting. {Major} Glyph of Trap Launch, Glyph of Disengage and Glyph of Misdirection. {Minor} Glyph of Feign Death, Glyph of Mend pet and Glyph of Revive Pet. Once again happy to change any glyphs if need be). My gemming is simple Agility, Agility + Hit and Agility + Mastery these are the Best gems that I can see that will max my dps in any encounter. I usually try and gem to what the gem socket colour is so I get the extra socket bonus. Reforging I try and balance the hit out between this and gemming but now its usually covered by armour stats, so I try and change my hit (if I have to much) into Crit but if there is crit already on the item I like to change it to mastery. With haste I like to keep it at 6.64% so any extra haste I get I like to do the same as what I do with my hit.
What makes you an exceptional player?(We want to know how good your are) I believe that I’m an exceptional player because I learn my class/classes by reading of any changes and then how I can improve my toon from that point. I also read up on my fights to make sure I understand the fight and how they work. The last reason is that I’m open to any improvements or points people can give me to help improve my toon in anyway shape or form, I also like to give pointers on how people can improve there class if they need the advice (only if I know how to play that class).
Link to current UI screenshot: (This is very important, we want to see if you know how to make a raiding ui, if you click or if your screen is just cluttered. Your screenshot needs to be in combat, and healers need to be in a raid.) Sorry but i just ran out of credit and cannot get any until tomorrow so i shall put up a screenshot of me when i get on and take one

Player History
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft? (Basically when you started and how often.) I started playing just before BC.
What is your raid experience? (*In detail, so we don't have to comb through your achievements*) (List the bosses you killed when it was current content. We don't care about killing kil'jaeden or Yogg Saron if you did it in ICC gear.) I only really started raiding in Wotlk and I had cleared every boss except 10 and 25man Rs 25man LK, Heroic 25man and Heroic 10man tho I did clear 6/12 on both heroic modes. (This is my clearance on my DK tank, as I didn’t get to raid on my hunter because I started levelling him to late)
Why did you leave your last guild or why are you leaving your current guild? I’m leaving my current guild if you accept me because I would like to get into a pretty full on raiding guild, and my Dk tank shall take my place in my current guild if you do accept me.
What other raiding guilds have you been a part of? My hunter has never really raided before Cata and I rarely played him this is because he was on different realm. Tho my Dk was part of "After Dark” when it first started up he was also part of and still is apart of "EXTREME" but back in Wotlk I didn’t have a guild as I ran a weekly organised 25m pug group which we would down 11/12 on normal and 5-6/12 heroics depending on who was in the group each week

Personal Facts
Age: 15
Real name: (First name only) Mitchell or Mitch
Location: (Country + TIME ZONE please) [color=red] Australia, Nsw, Gmt +10
Regular play time: weekdays are 4pm or 4:30pm till 9:30pm or 10:00pm weekends 8am or 9am till 1am or 1:30am
Can you make all the raid times? (Wed/Thurs/Sun/Mon 6:30pm-9:30pm AEST. Farm content means considerably less raid days)
This is one of the good reason why i thought of applying with you guys first. I sure can

Joining Proxy
Why do you want to join Proxy? I would like to join "Proxy" because of all the good things I hear from people about this place. I also would like to see what the raiding is like. And i also have been trying to gear up my toon abit before I applied.
How did you hear about us? I have been asking around for a good guild and your name keeps popping up. i have also grouped with couple of your members before in dungeons and raids and was impressed with their performance.
Are you friends with anyone in Proxy? (Knowing of a person or whispering them once does not mean they are your friend) I don’t know of anyone in the guild currently but I do know Jonathan Bertram who transferred to a different realm and I offend talk to him. (If he stops going on and offline every five seconds =P )
Can this person vouch for you? As a good dps and knowing of fights no he cannot as I only ever did one raid with him before he transferred. As a good friend and someone good to talk to I’m sure he’ll vouch for me hehe.
Why should we accept you into Proxy? (We may not be recruiting you class/spec, but a good enough app can make us accept you. What makes you deserve a spot in our guild?) I’m curtain that the reason I should be accepted into "Proxy" is because I have alot to offer in the way of dps, understanding of fights and also friendship. I realise that You my not be looking for hunters but if I’m not accepted as a raider I would like to still try and help your guild in anyway so even accepting me as a casual would place a smile on my face

Technical Requirements
Do you have Ventrilo? Yes I do
Do you have a mic and can talk if needed? Sure do
List computer specs: (just RAM, CPU, GFX Card) 3.12Gb of Ram, 3.20 Cpu and Nivdia Quadro FX 3400/4400
Who is your ISP and how fast is your internet connection? [color=orange] Bigpond cabble 20Mbps [/close]
Do you disconnect often? No I do not the only time I really disconnect is when my credit is used up or its a server shutdown
Do you use other services like Lowerping, WoWTunnels, etc? No I do not I have not real need to as my lag has never been that bad.

WWS/WoL/WMO link of recent raids: (If you can't access any of these, a screenshot of recount with your damage or healing breakdown (the pie graph) is sufficient.) As I said before I`m very sorry but i ran out of wow credit and so i shall put a screen shot oh my recount and and of my dps sorry for the inconvenience

Feel free to add any information that will help you with your application.. I`d just like to say sorry that i made alot of my answers long, but i believe that people should know how i really play why i play like so and what works for me the best. I`d also like to say thankyou to whoever is going to use their own time to read this application.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-01-13

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[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Empty Re: [Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé}

Post  Sùrgé1 Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:21 am

[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Wowscr11


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-01-13

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[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Empty Re: [Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé}

Post  Sùrgé1 Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:24 am

[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Wowscr12

Sorry about the delay in the pictures/Screenshots


Posts : 3
Join date : 2011-01-13

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[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Empty Re: [Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé}

Post  Rokki Sat Jan 15, 2011 8:53 am

I wouldn't worry about the delay, I would worry about your rotation, keybinds and ui. Also the large number of missing enchants.

Clearly you are not using Explosive shot as soon as its of cd which is obviously because of how much you are using arcane shot and therefore probably do not have enough focus for it. This is just plain wrong for surv dps as Explosive shot should be your main damaging ability. As for keybinds I cannot see any on traps, aspects, serpent sting? and any of your hunter cooldowns such as feign death. It seems you still have the blizzard default keybinds for your abilities and even they seem to have an odd order of abilities bound to them. TBH i am confident is saying that you look and most likely are a clicker...

Also wtf is up with your ui scale and positioning? Are you using a 15" box monitor?

Sorry if this is coming across as mean but someone needs to let you know if you are intent on raiding at a high level, you are currently doing a lot wrong and really need to research your class rotation and what is required of you within a raid and also user interfaces and keybinding.


Posts : 23
Join date : 2010-08-14

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[Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé} Empty Re: [Declined] Survival Hunter {Sùrgé}

Post  Skitzone Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:24 am


Posts : 191
Join date : 2010-08-12

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