Proxy :: Barthilas (US)
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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest Empty [Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

Post  Pursuit Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:29 pm

Player Information

Character Name: Pursuit
Server: Barthilas
Current Guild: Unguilded (Previously Parabola)
Armory Link:
Talent Spec: Shadow (13/0/58)
Explanation of your spec, glyphs, gems and enchants:

Spec - There are a number of Viable Shadow specs floating around now that T10 reduces the cast time of mind flay making it a higher DPS skill than mind blast. I have chosen to move 2 points from Improved Mind Blast to improved Vampiric Embrace to help, however small, with healing on fights such as H BQL, HSindy and P3 HPP.

Glyphs - Mind Flay - 10% increased damage on Mind flay, pretty much a no brainer given that mind flay makes up such a large portion of a Spriest's DPS

Gems - 23 Spell Power in red sockets and blue sockets where the socket bonus is less that 7 Spell Power, Spell Power + Haste for Yellow and Spell Power + Spirit in blue where the bonus is greater or equal to than 7 Spell Power. (Note currently I have a Sp+Sprt in my Valanar's Other Signet Ring I just haven't been bothered to replace it when I realised my mistake, I have Ring of Rapid Accent and Blood Queen's Crimson Choker ready to go when I get enough hit to remain hit capped)

Enchants - Spell Power, nothing special there. Tuskarr's Vitality on boots for the movement speed.
What makes a good player? High raid attendance, a good attitude and the ability to adapt
Interface Screenshot - that screenshot is pretty old (As can be seen by the name)

Player History

How long have you been playing World of Warcraft? I've been playing since Christmas of 2005
What raid experience do you have in WoW or any other MMO? (Please go into detail)

(Druid Tank and Mage)
- Karazhan
- Gruul's
- Magtheridon
- TK
- Hyjal
- BT

(Death Knight DPS)
- Naxx 10/25.
- Sarth 10/25. 25m 3-D
- EoE
- Uld.
- Quit for Yr12 Finals for pretty much all of 3.2 meaning I only did normal ToC10/25 during the patch although I have completed 10m ToGC and 4/5 25 ToGC Since ICC.
(Shadow Priest)
- 11/12 HM ICC 10/25
- RS - Only Normal 10 and 25
-10m Drake and all but "All you can Eat" in 25m
Why did you leave your last guild or why are you leaving your current guild? Parabola disbanded

Personal Facts

Age: 18
Real name (First name only): Jason
Location (Country + TIME ZONE please): Australia, QLD, GMT+10
Regular play time: Whenever I don't have Uni work.
Can you make all the raid times (Wed/Thurs/Sun/Mon 5:30pm-9:30pm AEST. Farm content means considerably less raid days): Thursday, Sunday and Monday have no problems although currently I have a lecture finishing at 6.50pm AEST on Wednesday.

Joining Proxy

Why do you want to join Proxy? I am currently looking for a guild to finish the xpac where I can earn a place as a cata raider.
How did you hear about us? A friend applied (Hendog) and I was looking for a guild for the new xpac.
Are you friends with anyone in Proxy? Nope
Why should we accept you into Proxy? I have an amazing raid attendance record for proxy only missing one raid that I can remember. I am more than happy to learn a new fight and I am more than happy to take criticism about any aspect of my game play. (Gear, play style, anything)

Technical Requirements

Do you have Ventrilo? Yes
Do you have a mic and can talk if needed? Yes
List computer specs (just RAM, CPU, GFX Card): 4gb RAM, ATI 4890 + 1gig
Who is your ISP and how fast is your internet connection? I live in student accommodation until mid November where my internet fluxuates although I very rarely have any problems. Its been over 6 months since I've raided on my home internet, I used to have some problems although my internet was upgraded since I've been gone and I haven't tested the results.
Do you disconnect often? Not often, time to time it happens although I can only remember one time in recent times that I DCed during a raid, Parabola's first Halion Kill.
Do you use other services like Lowerping, WoWTunnels, etc? Battle Ping

Additional Information

I have 9 level 80s meaning I have some experience at playing every class, by the time that cata is actually released I’ll have that 10th 80. My main objective of applying to Proxy is to find a home for cataclysm I understand that you are currently not looking for shadow priest although I still appreciate any time given to my application. I also have a Healer offset which was often used by both of my pervious guilds (Parabola and One Percent). My healer gear is mostly comprised of offset pieces.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-10-03

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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest Empty Re: [Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

Post  Kald Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:46 pm

Interface Screenshot - that screenshot is pretty old (As can be seen by the name)
it says in our template "(In Combat)" why people can't read that I have nfi.

Imp mind blast is completely useless with 4pc t10, drop the points and put them in shadow affinity and maybe a point in inner focus for the occasional divine hymn if you want to help the healers out.

Why do you want to join Proxy? I am currently looking for a guild to finish the xpac where I can earn a place as a cata raider.
Since you would be an hour and a half late to our main raiding night of Icc, where we usually trial our new members, you probably wouldn't see much content if any.

What makes a good player? High raid attendance, a good attitude and the ability to adapt
the question was actually: What makes you an exceptional player?

Posts : 203
Join date : 2010-08-12
Age : 34
Location : Gold Coast

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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest Empty Re: [Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

Post  Pursuit Mon Oct 04, 2010 5:38 am

Kald wrote:
it says in our template "(In Combat)" why people can't read that I have nfi.

Haha. I couldn't find a screenshot of my current interface in combat, I'll have to go take one and edit the post.

Kald wrote:
Imp mind blast is completely useless with 4pc t10, drop the points and put them in shadow affinity and maybe a point in inner focus for the occasional divine hymn if you want to help the healers out.

The reason I have any points in imp mind blast is 10m H saurafang, When I first killed it we felt we needed the MS effect so I dropped some points into imb MB to give me chance to keep the effect up. Also the strat parabola used for the blood beasts required two ranged to kill each blood beast. One would stand in front of the other, the one behind would need to maintain aggro and with points in a minus threat talent I found it nearly impossible to do so.

Overall there is now no reason for me not to change my spec to a more appropreate spec. But by my count talents get reset tomorrow with the prepatch. (Fingers Crossed that it ships to live).

Kald wrote:Why do you want to join Proxy? I am currently looking for a guild to finish the xpac where I can earn a place as a cata raider. Since you would be an hour and a half late to our main raiding night of Icc, where we usually trial our new members, you probably wouldn't see much content if any.

I understand. The lecture that I attend will only be running until about mid oct before it finishes for exams and the like. By the time that cata ships I will have definitely finished uni for the year and there would be no problems that I can currently foresee


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-10-03

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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest Empty Re: [Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

Post  Puudizz Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:17 am

I have 9 level 80s meaning I have some experience at playing every class, by the time that cata is actually released I’ll have that 10th 80. My main objective of applying to Proxy is to find a home for cataclysm I understand that you are currently not looking for shadow priest although I still appreciate any time given to my application. I also have a Healer offset which was often used by both of my pervious guilds (Parabola and One Percent). My healer gear is mostly comprised of offset pieces.

WoW 9 alts, yu need to get some sunlight mangs
have yu seen this site
here yu can download wallpapers of the sun so yu dont have to actually got outside abd actually become good

ha ha ha ha Laughing

Posts : 85
Join date : 2010-08-13

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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest Empty Re: [Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

Post  Aurn Tue Oct 05, 2010 2:38 pm

I have 11 80's.....


Posts : 29
Join date : 2010-08-14

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[Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest Empty Re: [Declined]Pursuit Shadow Priest

Post  Fozby Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:03 pm



Posts : 166
Join date : 2010-08-12
Age : 33

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