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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Detriment Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:11 am

Player Information
Character Name: Detriment (Currently has a Ð instead of a regular D)
Current Guild: Heretic on Darth'Remar (they have a funky i, instead of the regular one)
Armory Link:
Talent Spec: 32/3/6

Explanation of your spec, glyphs, gems, reforging and enchants:
Spec: First and foremost, I have not raided anything outside of BH in this expansion, yet. As such, I have to draw my conclusions from the word of others, rather than my own experiences, for now. I opted, in my spec, for something very similar to the builds of some of the world's top outputting moonkins. There are other options that may seem to be better at a glance, such as taking 2 points out of dreamstate and putting them into increased initial damage to moonkin (6% damage increase to the starting burst) but the amount of damage it does, compared to the amount of mana I get back from Dreamstate is not significant enough to drop the points there. There is the alternative of placing them into Owlkin Frenzy for the offchance that it may proc and increase damage done. The problem I personally found with that,in the past, is that Owlkin Frenzy should never proc due to the fact that mobs should never be directly attacking me. While it used to proc off of boss raid debuffs or aoe/spell damage, they changed that a while back for it to not ever work as such again. I am currently unsure if it is still as such (went looking for info, but could not find a definitive answer on the matter). To match, a 10% chance is just too low to have any real significant value. As I said, I might be wrong... and if it DOES proc off of boss raid debuffs or standard raid damage, then it is very good and I will immediately change my spec to pick it up. I have not seen the buff come up on other moonkin's World of Logs, so I am assuming it still doesn't.

There are other things, like why pick up typhoon or the "white light of STFU"? My answer to that is simply for raid versatility. An extra person having the ability to silence, never hurts, and typhoon is a great temporary slowing effect and "GTFO me/my healer" spell. Improving Typhoon or Hurricane damage is a joke. Not only does Hurricane not even compare to most AOE, but it is an extreme mana hog and can oom most Moonkins within 4-5 casts of it. Not ideal.

I am 3 points deep into Furor, because having a rediculously high mana pool is always handy. Some may argue that it is entirely unneeded, but with accidents happening (deaths), I tend to hop out of form and throw rebirths and heals when the situation calls for it. Every now and then, just to help out, I will throw a LULHurricane for very short term aoe. Like I said, it is a mana hog, so best to keep the pool of mana as high as possible.

So, in conclusion, my spec is set up for having high mana, and keeping it from ever running dry, while juggling into that making sure my single target DPS is competitive.

Glyphs: My Prime glyphs are the standard. Insect Swarm for more IS damage, Moonfire for more Moonfire damage, and Wrath for more wrath damage. IS and MF are always rolling (if not at 100% uptime, then absolutely no lower than 99% IMO), so the dps increase from glyphing more damage out of each tick from them is highly substantial. Wrath is a 10% to wrath while IS is ticking (soon to be 10% no matter what), and as we throw ALOT of Wraths... it is a no brainer. Starsurge is rumored to compare, but by my calculations... you get much more damage out of 10, than you do from a slightly shortened Starfall cooldown, as Starsurge does. IF Shooting starts were to proc alot (the ability to throw an instant Starsurge no matter what), then the Glyph of Starsurge might be a serious glyph, however with the fact that it is highly inconsistent... Wrath is the way to go. Static > chance.

Major: Again, mostly standard. Starfall cooldown reduced by 30sec. Rebirth returns target back to life with full health. Innervate to give me some mana, even if I have to throw it on someone else.

Minor: Unburdened Rebirth ... because I am a cheapskate and do not like buying things I don't have to. Mark of the Wild, because I am a cheapskate and don't like spending mana when I don't have to. Aquatic form, because I am a herber and don't like slowing down when I don't have to. Some may say Dash is more important, however as FerLOLs give the raid an increase to speed when it is needed, I would prefer to keep my swim speed for ninjaing herbs.

Gemming: Meta is Intel and Increased mana pool with all other gems focusing on intel first, with haste secondary. Some may try to debate that the chaotic is still superior... that would be true, if you did not have to lose such heavily substantial amounts of intel in order to use it. Hit is a primary for moonkins, with intel being just as, if not more important. Haste comes third, with crit then mastery following behind. Soon, mastery may become more important then crit... but we discuss that at a later time. Until the Chaotic meta becomes fixed, which it soon will, the Intel and mana pool meta reigns supreme due to all the mana, spellpower, and crit recieved from gemming while using it. But, you can bet your buttcheeks that I will be switching back to Chaotic come 4.0.6.

What makes you an exceptional player?
Experience. Not just Experience in the game, but all around druid experience, with a specialization in Moonkin. I have been playing moonkin since the day moonkin form was released. WHile I have done everything under the sun when it comes to druids, as well as played other classes, moonkin has always been my spec of choice. While I am still shaking off some rust from being gone from the spec/game for a while and my numbers wont be substantial till I get out of these putrid blues... I will quickly sharpen up back into true form, once I get back into raiding.

Experience in high-end, high stress, hardcore raiding. I have been with top guilds, for a long long time. I understand what it takes to be a good raider. I have seen it all and completed 95% of all content when it was fresh, pre-nerfs most times. I know and understand what it takes to be a great PLAYER.

Link to current UI screenshot:

This is a raiding UI of my own design, but unfortunately I did not think to take a picture of it for future use, while in a raiding situation. As I just recently came to the conclussion that I would like to do serious raiding again, and Proxy is the first guild (and hopefully only guild) I have applied to since deciding this, I JUST took this screenshot for application purposes. Unfortuantely, I have already done BH for the week, and horde to not currently have it for me to get into a group to display.

It would appear that my keybindings are missing from alot of the spells, but that is some sort of issue with bartender. Every single spell is keybound, outside of my professions and pets and bear or kitty form, for the moment. Also, grid is not showing, however I do have it. It sits on the bottom right hand side of the screen, just above my map. It is not in the way by any means, as it keep it short... displaying top 5 threat, short. Recount is always running, but always hidden. Also, decursive and grid are there, as you can see. Once in a full 25man raid, they expand perfectly and fill the seemingly large gap very well.

Player History
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft? I have been playing WarCrack since beta of Vanilla. Hell... I still have my old game manual that shows Dwarves can be Mages, when they could not. I have taken lengthy breaks, from time to time totaling probably a year overall.
What is your raid experience? This is not my original account, so I cannot verify through achievements everything that I have raided. However, with that said, here we go...

vanilla: ONyxia killed, MC completed, BWL completed, ZG completed, AQ20 completed, AQ 40 up to and killed Twin Emps., and Razuvious as a rogue in Naxx40. Killed every world boss, including the dragons, at least once. I think I killed Hogger, too... but don't quote me on that. Razz

BC: Mag killed, Grull's Lair completed, All world bosses killed, SCC completed, TK completed, BT completed, ZA completed, Sunwell up to Muru pre-nerf with Muru and KJ post nerf.

WotLK: Malygos killed in 10 and 25, Sarth 3d 10 and 25, Naxx 10 and 25 cleared with undying, Ulduar cleared 10 and 25 normal, with all hard modes killed except for Firefighter and Yogg +1 or 0, TOC 10 and 25 cleared on hardmodes, all WG bosses killed, ICC 10 and 25 cleared with both cleared on hard modes up to LK. I did not do Ruby Sanctum, as I was on a break during that time until Cata was out for 2-3 weeks.

Cata: Only BH, so far, as I am just recently back and have not bothered with attempting to raid until I felt my gear was raid worthy.

Why did you leave your last guild or why are you leaving your current guild? My last real guild was The Dark Ministry... before that, it was Adept. Both guilds I had to leave, due to RL obligations. With Adept, my daughter had recently been born and I needed to spend more time with her and less on the game. I came back and raided with TDM, but had to leave due to a new job causing major conflicts with being available for raids. I am currently in a guild with friends, but I am not needed there as dps... and do not wish to wait for a spot to open in the guild, as I might miss a great opportunity with Proxy.

What other raiding guilds have you been a part of? The Dark Ministry on Blackrock, Adept when it was on Dreadmaul, Ajantis when it was on Aman'Thul, and Tenacious when it was alive on Dath'Remar. All of these guilds were top of their servers, while I was with them... some of them gaining that position after I joined them. Coincidence? I think not! Luls.

Personal Facts
Age: 27
Real name: Mike.
Location: VIC, Australia via Texas.
Regular play time: Most hours past 12 or 1 pm, which that will adjust in a month or so when I pick up a new job. I do not, however, think that my new job will give me work hours that will directly conflict with raiding.
Can you make all the raid times? I do not foresee any issues with meeting any and all raid days.

Joining Proxy
Why do you want to join Proxy? I hate Dath'Remar, so whenever I want to do serious raiding... I leave the server. I only stay on it, when I am just hanging out with old friends. Hence, once I decided I wanted to get serious into raiding again... I turned to the Oceanic Recruitment threads. Moonkin positions are few and far between, so due to the fact that Proxy is recruiting Moonkins (mixed with the fact that raiding seems to be going well with Proxy and the guild as a whole seems to have a good understanding of what it takes to to be a successful guild), Proxy was my first stop and hopefully my last.
How did you hear about us? I actually knew of a druid that went to Proxy (Baishe). This person is not a friend, but when she recently returned to Dath... I heard she came back from Proxy. I looked into it a bit, once I saw you were recruiting on the Oceanic Forums.
Are you friends with anyone in Proxy? To my knowledge, there are no folks in Proxy that I am directly friends with. But there is the offchance that someone knows me, if they came from Dath or any of my previous guilds.
Why should we accept you into Proxy? I take not only raiding, but my spec very seriously. I raid for the content, but am not stupid or naive enough to say that the loot does not matter. It absolutely matters, as it helps to achieve more forward progressions. However it is not my top priority. I love the story and the mechanics of bossfights. I know that wipes happen, and understand that no REAL success comes without learning from a bit of failure. I am a quick learner, and extremely experienced.

Technical Requirements
Do you have Ventrilo? Check.
Do you have a mic and can talk if needed? Check, check.
List computer specs: 2gigs of DDR2, INtel P4 dual core duo 2.8 (i think), and a GForce 9500GT.
Who is your ISP and how fast is your internet connection? TPG, and with a directory bypass I sit on between 230 and 280 most nights. I miss my 30-50 ping. Sad
Do you disconnect often? Rarely. My wife does, which drives her crazy, but for some reason my computer does not. I told her it is because Jesus hates Female BE mages. LOL.
Do you use other services like Lowerping, WoWTunnels, etc? No. I have used them in the past, but the bypass that I use does just as well with no cost. I found programs to be unreliable, so I stick with what has never failed me.

WWS/WoL/WMO link of recent raids: I have not raided to have any access to them.

Feel free to add any information that will help you with your application.

Additionally, before anything is said about my green trinket... let it be known that I have a completed Volcano deck, and am trying to find someone to trade the deck and 5k gold for a actual card. Also, my healing spells are seemingly missing... but they are there. I use Help/harm macros that change the action of the macro based on if the target I am selecting is friend or foe. My cooldowns are woven into macros. I have the ability to disable them during trash, to save them for bosses.

And herbalism.. yes... its not the best option for a profession, however now that I have recently spent 20k putting together the deck, and will be dropping another 5k, and came back to the game with only 100g to my name 3 weeks ago.. I need it for now, to replenish my funds and farm raiding consumables. Once my supplies are filled and i have a good amount of gold to work with, I plan on dropping it and picking up a different profession, perhaps alchemy. But.. even tho it is preferable to have 80 more intel from a different profession, the haste cooldown from lifeblood is equal to 80 haste, so it is still fairly nice, for now.

I can not think of anything else, at the moment. If accepted, I will not be able to transfer over until Tuesday evening. I look forward to any and all questions/thoughts/criticisms and hope to be raiding with you all, very soon.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-01-17

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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Filtiarn Mon Jan 17, 2011 4:36 pm

first off HI

Your app looks fine but I honestly think you dont need points in Furor, in blue gear going into 25 man ,Moonglow and Dreamstate are enough to keep your mana at a good level timed correctly, You Should take a look at some of the Boss fights , You will realize that alot of the fights you need to move quite a Bit so i recommend Blessing of the Grove. I know Blessing of the Grove: generally a weak talent, but it is worth having if you often use a Sunfire/Moonfire Spam (while moving) , And with your Haste Being so low and the Wrath cast time increased it is sometimes hard to get a wrath cast off in time before you have to move.

=^.^= Biscabiscuit

Tailoring, Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting
nd Engineering give the best DPS gains.


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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Detriment Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:33 pm

Filtiarn wrote:first off HI

Your app looks fine but I honestly think you dont need points in Furor, in blue gear going into 25 man ,Moonglow and Dreamstate are enough to keep your mana at a good level timed correctly, You Should take a look at some of the Boss fights , You will realize that alot of the fights you need to move quite a Bit so i recommend Blessing of the Grove. I know Blessing of the Grove: generally a weak talent, but it is worth having if you often use a Sunfire/Moonfire Spam (while moving) , And with your Haste Being so low and the Wrath cast time increased it is sometimes hard to get a wrath cast off in time before you have to move.

=^.^= Biscabiscuit

Tailoring, Leatherworking, Jewelcrafting
nd Engineering give the best DPS gains.

As I have not had the chance to experience a current raid boss, much less the mana return from being fully raid buffed, I was at first adamant about being as high on mana as possible. But after spending a few extra hours in front of a target dummy alone, I am coming to the conclusion that needing to spend 2 points into dreamstate is not entirely needed.

As such, I had considered placing 2 points into increasing moonfire's initial burst damage. Additionally, I am considering taking a point out of Typhoon and Solar Beam, as well as a point out of Furor, to max out Owlkin Frenzy, if it really is acting as some are suggesting.

I am aware that my haste is lower than it probably should be. I can only chalk that up to a bad luck with drops, as it is by no means a lack of effort. I think today is the first real break I have had from dungeon gear farming in nearly 2 weeks. It took me a week of doing probably 10 hercs a day just to get the herc trinket and herc weapon to drop, and while trying for any and every one of the herc caster maces and dagger... only the worst one has dropped. On the flip side, however, with the increased potency of mastery soon, I may very well see a significant dps increase in the near future, due to the gear that I have been able to obtain through hercs and other means seems to sit me at more mastery than a fair bit of moonkin players. While Mastery will still not be better than Haste, it will almost definitely become better than crit.

Also, I understand which professions are best, at the moment, for min-maxing dps. Inscription is not really off the mark, however Herbalism isnt the most ideal. However, as with recent purchases and an extremely low starting funds since returning to the game 3 weeks ago, I am currently not yet financial WoW stable. I am guessing a couple of weeks of serious herb farming for obtaining consumables will allow me to gather enough consumables and money to be able to pick up a more appropriate profession for min-maxing, without being hobo poor.

I have been, and will be continuing to watch and read on boss mechanics. I surmise by the end of it all, I will draw final conclusions in regards to which way to go with my spec.

Thanks for dropping some input. Smile


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Join date : 2011-01-17

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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Detriment Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:28 pm

Update: I have changed my spec. It is now more oriented towards single target DPS. I will be working with this spec in dungeons to check the increase, but it is still subject to change(dependent on what is needed of me and raid mana consumption).


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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Grandil Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:09 am

While it may slightly reduce your dps the usefulness of a ranged interrupt like solar beam for many of the current fights is well worth the 1 point.

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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Detriment Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:15 am

Grandil wrote:While it may slightly reduce your dps the usefulness of a ranged interrupt like solar beam for many of the current fights is well worth the 1 point.

I absolutely agree. Been watching the videos of the fights, from Tankspot, and have decided that I will be using my dual spec to carry a different raiding spec for Balance. WHile with some fights, Typhoon and Solar Beam are not entirely useful, they can be handy in others. So with my alternate spec, im going to be dropping the increased moonfire burst damage, and picking up typhoon and Solar Beam. Been contemplating Fungal Growth for fights like Magmaw, but chances are that with so much other slowing effects being thrown on them as well as Typhoon to slow and knock them back, there will not be too much need for it. However, as always, my spec will be subject to change for whatever is needed of me.

Thanks for replying. Smile


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Join date : 2011-01-17

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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  chivdoc Wed Jan 19, 2011 3:35 am

we'll have an answer for you soon

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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Detriment Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:11 am



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[Declined] Detriment - Moonkin Empty Re: [Declined] Detriment - Moonkin

Post  Skitzone Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:02 am

Going to give this a pass, until we evaluate our current trials.



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